School Safety

School Safety

Your child's safety is our number one priority here at Chesterton. Detailed below are some of the ways that we work to keep Chesterton students safe.

Driving and Parking

  • There are 2 parking lots: One for staff and one for visitors. Please do not use either parking lot as drop off or pick up areas for school or Primetime.

  • No U-turns on Wheatley Street.

  • Do not double park in the street to drop off or pick up your children.

  • A right turn against the red light from Linda Vista Road to Wheatley Street is illegal.

  • Do not park and block private driveways.

  • Children should cross the street at the crosswalks.

  • Parking is available on adjacent streets. Please feel free to park there and walk your children to school.

  • Parking for before school is available on Daniel Street. Students can enter through the gate on Daniel Street and walk through the grassy field to enter the back of the school. However, please remember that this gate is closed and locked at 8:00 a.m.

  • Parking spots are also available on Radenz Court and Radenz Avenue. This area is in the townhome area. Your child can walk on the pathway between the townhomes to the school.

Chesterton staff who are supporting drop off and dismissal are working to ensure that all our students are safe. Please show them the respect and gratitude they deserve.

Crisis Response Box

Our school has a Crisis Response Box that includes a comprehensive school safety plan. Required by the state, the plan includes policies and procedures for responding to:

  • Disasters such as fire, earthquake, or situations requiring a lock down.

  • Serious disciplinary problems.

  • Child abuse.

  • Sexual harassment.

Practice drills are periodically held to ensure that students will be safe in the event of a disaster.


Adult supervision is provided in classrooms and in outside areas before and after school, during recess and lunch. Under the direction of the principal or site administrator, specific school building security procedures are implemented by staff. In addition, district offices support schools by reviewing and disseminating safety requirements and information, coordinating safety-related services, and providing training and assistance.






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