Our Goals

Our Goals


We believe that every child is unique and will be successful in school with the right guidance and support from both parents and their community (Chesterton). As parents and teachers, we have a joint responsibility of finding the best setting, method, and placement for each child.


Our purpose is to educate students in Grades TK-5.


Chesterton is a school in which all students achieve to their highest potential.

Guiding Principles

To accomplish our mission and realize our vision, we will:

  • Recognize our students as our primary focus
  • Create an environment where constant improvement and innovation are key elements
  • Plan and encourage innovative thinking
  • Recognize that people are the source of our strength and quality and foster the professional growth of our multi-talented staff
  • Strive to continually improve communication
  • Support the staff to enhance the teaching-learning process
  • Recognize that education is a team effort between the child, parents, school, and support staff


Chesterton Cheetahs are Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn!

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