Chesterton Elementary School (Grades TK - 5) is located in the community of Linda Vista in San Diego, California (7335 Wheatley St., San Diego, 92111). It is part of the San Diego Unified School District.
Our school, which is on the traditional schedule, has approximately 450 students. Our Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program includes grades 3, 4, and 5.
Approximately 56% of students come from military families living in the Chesterton military housing. Through the Voluntary Enrollment Exchange Program (VEEP) and School Choice Program over 200 students choose to attend Chesterton, enriching the school's cultural diversity.
Chesterton is an academically high-functioning school. Students perform at a superior level based on a 2012-2013 Academic Performance Index (A.P.I.) score of 874 placing the school with the top 20% of all schools statewide. Our school earned the Distinguished School Award as a result of the '08-'09 test scores and was awarded the Title One Academic Achievement Award for 2009-2010 scores.

Chesterton maintains many special programs to encourage and reinforce school success and spirit. Monthly award ceremonies offer special recognition to achieving students and are characterized by virtually 100% of parents being in attendance. A very active PTA provides programs which enhance the school experience. The principal schedules regular, informal group meetings with parents to afford on-going opportunities for parent input.
Our dedicated teachers and support staff are committed to improving teaching and learning for all students. Chesterton features award winning teachers and a National Board-Certified teacher.
Reading and writing are emphasized in all subject areas. Teachers assign homework designed to improve students' performance in basic skill areas, and to assist development of good study habits and self-discipline. We are committed to increasing the percentage of students scoring above average in reading and mathematics at all grade levels tested. Our test scores show generally good results, with many students scoring above average in all areas. We continue to focus on students who perform significantly below grade level. We happily welcome the support of our Chesterton community.